2. April 2010 Workshop
2.1. Overview
The second FUN3D workshop was open to all US persons and was held at Langley on April 27-29, 2010, and covered the use of FUN3D v11.1. The workshop followed the March workshop agenda closely, with an additional third day added for Ralph Noack from Penn State University to teach participants the use of his Suggar++ overset grid software. There were approximately 30 on-site participants from industry, academia, other NASA centers, as well as DoD sites. The workshop was also broadcasted over WebEx with a dedicated audio line, which enabled another 20 participants from around the country to tune in for the three days. Participants were provided with a Linux terminal from which they could access guest accounts on a dedicated cluster with roughly 600 cores devoted to the workshop. Lessons-learned from the prior workshop were incorporated and everything went quite smoothly (just don’t plug in a coffee pot on the same circuit as your multimedia equipment and workstations – you might accidentally take down the entire room). On-site participants were also provided with tours of the Langley 14×22 subsonic tunnel and computational facilities.
The Langley Media Services branch filmed this entire workshop, digitally captured all of each instructor’s screen output, and recorded all audio. The FUN3D team is extremely grateful for their assistance.
2.2. Agenda and Materials
The agenda for the workshop follows. Note that PDF files of the slides are available for download, as well as audio/video footage of each session. Here are some additional notes on the material provided here:
- All training material is designed to be compatible with FUN3D v11.1.
- A tarball of the material required for the interactive demo sessions is also provided below. The directory structure and filenames contained in this tarball follow the slides exactly.
- PBS queue scripts are included for each demo case in the tarball. These scripts will need some obvious modifications to run under your PBS system if desired. To run a case interactively from a shell prompt, simply extract the command line from the bottom of each queue script.
- The FUN3D executables
(flow solver),adjoint_mpi
(adjoint solver), andopt_driver
(design optimization driver) must be in your PATH. To perform the design tutorial, the MASSOUD executablemassoud
must also be in your PATH. - The video footage is available in Quicktime .mov format as well as Flash
format. The Quicktime option is much higher quality, but is considerably more
data to stream. The Flash option is much more efficient, at the expense of
some image quality. All footage is 640×480.
Click here for the tarball containing the demo material April 27th: FUN3D Day One Session Title Instructor Length Welcome and Introductions
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadJoe Morrison
Acting Head, Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Workshop Environment
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadEric Nielsen
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:15 Capabilities/Applications Overview
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadEric Nielsen
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Compilation and Installation
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadBill Jones
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Interactive Session:
Gridding Considerations, Solution Basics, and Visualization
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadEric Nielsen
Computational AeroSciences Branch2:15 Incompressible Simulations
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadBeth Lee-Rausch
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Supersonic/Hypersonic Perfect Gas Simulations
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadJeff White and Mike Park
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Boundary Conditions, Turbulence Models
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadJan-Renee Carlson
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Interactive Session:
Time-Dependent and Dynamic Mesh Simulations
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadBob Biedron
Computational AeroSciences Branch1:30 One-on-One Time FUN3D Development Team 0:30 April 28th: FUN3D Day Two Session Title Instructor Length Aeroelastic Simulations
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadBob Biedron
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:30 Code Development within the FUN3D Framework
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadMike Park
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:15 Overset and Rotorcraft Simulations
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadBob Biedron and Beth Lee-Rausch
Computational AeroSciences Branch0:45 Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Simulations
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadPeter Gnoffo
Aerothermodynamics Branch0:45 Interactive Session:
Adjoint-Based Design Optimization
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadEric Nielsen
Computational AeroSciences Branch1:45 Interactive Session:
Feature- and Adjoint-Based Mesh Adaptation
PDF | Flash | Quicktime Stream | Quicktime DownloadMike Park
Computational AeroSciences Branch1:30 One-on-One Time FUN3D Development Team 1:15 April 29th: Suggar++ Session Title Instructor Length Suggar++ for Unstructured Grids:
Background and Technical DetailsRalph Noack and David Boger
Penn State University1:15 Using Suggar++ for Unstructured Grids Ralph Noack and David Boger
Penn State University1:30 Using Suggar++ for Unstructured Grids, Cont’d Ralph Noack and David Boger
Penn State University2:30 One-on-One Time: Using Suggar++ Ralph Noack and David Boger
Penn State University1:30
2.3. Images
NASA Official: David P. Lockard
Contact: FUN3D-support@lists.nasa.gov
Page Last Modified: 2025-01-03 14:25:46 -0500
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